Commerce Conductor
Commerce Conductor
It is clear that online commerce solutions depend on a variety of
interlocking factors and processes to be successful. M+A offers
Commerce Conductor - a complete, integrated solution for companies
that wish to sell their products online.
Commerce Conductor includes a suite of techniques and technologies
that are built to leverage your existing product and market momentum.
Rather than function in isolation from the rest of your operations,
we will help you construct a robust, pragmatic commerce solution
that interfaces seamlessly with your existing databases, people
and relationships.
Starting with Strategy
As with all of our Internet-based services, each M+A commerce program
starts and ends with your target audiences. Armed with a deep understanding
of the profiles and likes/dislikes of your customers and prospects
we create dynamic sales environments that drive the sale of your
products and build sustainable relationships.
To initiate a commerce program we typically conduct a strategic
retreat with our clients senior management and department
heads. This half-day retreat is supported with one-on-one interviews
with each retreat participant and additional individuals both inside
and outside of your company to build a deep level of understanding
of each primary target audience (and competitor) and the key issues
driving and affecting your commerce solution.
Commerce Conductor Features
Commerce Conductors suite of commerce components provides
all the functionality and utility necessary for a highly secure
and maintainable transaction-driven site.
- Product Management
Products can contain multiple configurations that define all of
the pricing options available for a given product. Shipping cost
information can be provided at the product level enabling a flexible
system in which shipping costs are dependent on which products
are ordered.
- Department Management
Departments are critical to organizing any commerce solution.
Commerce Conductor provides tools to administer an unlimited number
of departments and sub-departments, all of which can contain any
number of products and SKUs.
- Promotion Management
Commerce Conductor includes a promotion management system built
around a condition/action based application component. Promotions
are supported by commands, which can have multiple condition/actions
associated with it. As these commands are grouped together, complex
promotions can be created quickly, eliminating the need to continually
write promotion specific code. This system allows an administrator
to create, save and modify a promotion with almost limitless conditions.
- Shopping Carts
Commerce Conductors component package provides a full-featured
shopping cart where products may be earmarked, quantities updated
and shipping specified, sub-totals and totals generated dynamically.
- Credit Authorization
The credit authorization component utilizes best-in-breed, 3rd-party
providers and CyberCash to authorize each transaction.
The commerce package integrates with both of these ASPs seamlessly,
working behind-the-scenes to provide secure and encrypted transactions.
- Shipping Tools
Commerce Conductor provides exceptional shipping flexibility.
Each product can be given specific shipping characteristics based
on quantity and type and assigned to various fulfillment companies.
- Order Tracking
Orders are tracked dynamically as each status changes. Any information
about the authorization of the order or the shipping of the order
is saved and can be easily retrieved at any time.
- Fulfillment Tools
Commerce Conductors fulfillment tools allow you to define
secure logins for your fulfillment companies. These logins allow
each fulfillment company to view each order (or parts of each
order) that they must fulfill. Fulfillment companies can then
update the status of the each order on-line, print an invoice
and packing slip and view account history.
Here are some samples. For more information click
here or call (310) 348 4707